Floating Life 4/06 ~ 11/07

an archive

Posts Tagged ‘peace

Benign spam

I received the email which follows and it was promptly and correctly delivered to the spam bin at Unwired (or rather Bluetie). I have chosen to rescue it. You may have seen it before.


Dear Brothers & Sisters,

We all need to pray for one another, and to love one
another. We should always pray for the safety, peace,
love and brotherhood for people all over the world.
Too bad we can’t have an independence day for the
entire world. A day of freedom from ignorance, hatred,
war, illusions, power and control. A day where we can
all love each other as human beings and toss away the
weapons of war, and cast out our fears and hatreds
from our hearts into the graves. We must mourn the
graves of the innocents all over the world, and give
the children of the world the hope of a peaceful,
loving and beautiful world.

A world full of love and without hatred or fear. A
world where we can join hands together and accept one
another, regardless of our skin color, ethnic
divisions, religion or nationality. If we don’t unite
as a human race, then we have condemned the future
generation of children a dark and very grim future.
Think of love, compassion and peace always…

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Written by Neil

November 5, 2007 at 12:55 pm